千眼のポテト : Thousand Eye Poteto
・明治ポテト・平安文人掃除ラッグ・Meiji Poteto・Heian Scholar Soji Rag・写真が大好き・剣道・友達・色々物・Favourite is Photo・Kendo・Friend・Many Type Thing・
.:: last eyed ::.
- poteto on brigde just outside home garden.
- proudly is flown flag of poteto home.
- indistant seen familiar word of dude's work...
- and reminds of dear ducky but japanese text.
- this is street sigh.
- tokyo train station is big busy place.
- tokyo chuo yubin kyoku.
- train station nearest to be imperial palace garden...
- many raccoon dog (tanuki?) have lesson in out door.
- three adoreabling racoon dog.
.:: be seen? ::.
タグボード・コム |
土曜日, 10月 09, 2004
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