日曜日, 6月 27, 2004

busy day.

we having a busy day monday of this week, preparing for juniors new shinai by sanding and oiling application. those peoples not in photos did not help!!! muahahaha hundred hayasuburi?

busy shinai mentainence i.

busy shinai mentainence ii.

busy shinai mentainence iii.

busy shinai mentainence iv.

visiting the plant growing place.

on father's day visting of plant nursery place to buy potty plant as present because papa strongly likes green plant. many interesting things to look and photos take.

strange look plant.

many many potty plants.

土曜日, 6月 26, 2004

plant with not common type many colour leafs.

big plant but is not in photo centre.

easily to see bougainvilla flower in this country.

more close photo.

chinese calls this "fu gui hua" or prosperity flower.

happy day to see a movie.

news photos on bottom is last saturday visit to watch the movie "japanese story" and some shoppings at the heeren. also, it is the beautiful story love of duxy and pahpee.

gayishly sits at the heeren.

duxy is fast vibrating.

duxy haves planning to make friendly with pahpee.

is love at first sight.


deciding best reacting way (and resembling muchly taiwan host man huan pin yuan).

being coyly attraction.

both is feeling shyly.

sweetly drinks with small lips.

pahpee is show the special tecnique style for super mega massege.

pahpee look in duxy eyes when duxy look in pahpee lap.

strangly actions.

many happys for couple.

poteto and teefarnee-san expression shock and suprise.

poteto in violence posing.

value high backside of pahpee.

土曜日, 6月 19, 2004

new photos from bugis.

latest most upper photos of hamkins duxy and sengan-no-poteto are all together photographed at bugis shopping mall, 18 june 2004.

does not look at camera.

gentle sipping likes lady.

quietness in a moment.

he wants to more cutely become.

hamkins duxy attempt metrosexual coolness pose.

boku wa takeuchi ga daisuki yo!

communist poteto on some doorfront in bugis.

poteto photo.

chinese soldier communist.

catfish and poteto = fish and chips.

super poteto?

kendo training photo

photo set below is the photos of training on thursday june 17 2004. since is before the practice all is appearing healthy and happy, after is finished most is still healthy but sengan-no-poteto is almost dieded.

nurse naima... but also resemble fishing trip.

resembling brown nut to the model look.

another one kimchi photo.

brown nut... chotto hentai...

kimchi is very violent!

enginger abuse on brown nut that is happy sweaty.

special reverse skill: backside attack.

shingapooru kokuritsu daigaku kendo kai no captain.

two poteto: sengan and saizou.

crazy 88 from kiru biru?

somesthing unwholesome and caught red-hands.

not proper for young children to view.